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How Can Businesses Boost Conversions With Carrier Bags


There has been a crackdown in the last few years on the use of carrier bags in businesses due to the harmful effect they are having on the environment, but with the 5p plastic bag tax in place, it is no surprise that a number of companies are encouraging their customers to re-use the bags that they buy. In this article, we are going to look at how customised carrier bags can help this initiative as well as boost the number of conversions for your business.

Boosted Marketing

When looking to boost marketing efforts, one of the best things you can do is customise the bags you are using. By providing a customised plastic bag with every purchase you are boosting the visibility if your brand and encouraging others to look at what you as a business are selling. This is key to the success of a business as using printed tote bags for business conventions as well as carrier bags in store will help to boost your brand’s visibility during every event you attend.

Increasing The Lifecycle

Printing a carrier bag is also another way to ensure that people keep hold of it and use it for a longer amount of time. A plain carrier bag likely ends up in landfill. However, a printed bag is more likely to be used with every shopping trip and can be kept in the boot of the car in order to reuse every time you go shopping. By offering a replacement for all the bags that become damaged you are then encouraging your customers to reuse the bag and save the environment. This is also cost effective for the company as they can be bought in bulk thus saving money in the long term.


By creating a plastic bag that can be scrunched up, you make it easier for those that wish, to re-use it as it can be stored in a handbag. Depending on the type of plastic that you use, you can have an increase in usability as the stronger material can be used again and again before it becomes thinner. This is important from a development standpoint as this ensures cheaper manufacturing costs for the business and a longer product lifecycle for the customer.

Customer Loyalty

Though a carrier bag is not solely responsible for the development of customer loyalty, they do indeed contribute to its success. If a product is purchased and there is a high-quality bag with clear branding, they are more likely to boost customer loyalty as people associate the brand with a high-quality buying experience. Though this can take time to develop, particularly for a start-up, customer loyalty can help the expansion of the business as word of mouth and positive reviews can help to boost popularity. Customer loyalty is something that takes time, but once you have it you will never lose it.

With all this in mind, there are a number of ways your business can boost conversions but each of the options is personal to your own business model, meaning that the success rate may differ. Which will you choose?

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