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Detailed Information About Francois Henri Pinault’s Ex-Wife Dorothee Lepere

Dorothee Lepere

The French woman Dorothee Lepere was born in 1965. She is best known for being ex-married to Francois-Henri Pinault, who is a business executive and has been CEO of the Kering Group since 2005.

Lepere and Pinault have known each other for a long time. Lepere is self-employed and lives in Paris.

We will look into Dorothee Lepere’s life, from her childhood to her relationship with Pinault and beyond.

Let’s look at her life!!

Do you know Dorothee Lepere?

Dorothee Lepere is a woman who lives in Paris, The French Republic. Francois-Henri Pinault is a very important businessman in France, and she used to be married to him.

Francois and Dorothee Lepere used to be married, so people still know who she is while they aren’t together. It’s her own business, and she works solo.

The family of Dorothee Lepere

Not many people know about Dorothee Lepere’s family yet. We don’t know much about her dad, but we do know nothing about her mom. In other words, we don’t know anything about her parents. People don’t know much about Dorothee’s family because she plays it cool.

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We need to know which high school Dorothee Lepere went to in Paris. She is very good at making things look nice, and she even has a degree in it. In other words, she knows how to make places look nice and warm.

The husband of Dorothee Lepere

The name of her husband was Francois-Henri Pinault, and she was married to him. He runs the Kering Group and is a well-known businessman in France. In 1996, they got married, but in 2004, they split up. Even though they’re not married anymore, they still have a son together and do their best to raise him.

The Life of Dorothee Lepere

Dorothee Lepere runs a successful business that sells things for the home. She learned how to plan the inside of homes in school, and then she started her own business.

She is well-known for marrying Francois-Henri Pinault, but she is also very successful on her own. Francois is well-known and rich. A big company that makes fancy clothes and jewellery is run by him.

Francois and Dorothee used to be married, but they are not now.

An Honour and an Award

Even though Francois Henri Pinault has won a lot of business awards, Dorothee Lepere’s accomplishments are still unknown.

It’s important to remember that everyone needs to be great in their own way, even if they’re not famous for winning awards.

There are probably many things Dorothee did in her life that we don’t know about. That’s fine. No matter how big or small our wins are, they should always be celebrated!

Ethnic Group

French is where Dorothee Lepere is from, which is in Europe. The woman is white, has light skin, and speaks French as her first language.

Some people might call her “Caucasian” because she is from Europe, but remember that everyone is different and unique, no matter where they are from or what they look like.

The most important thing is how we treat each other with respect and kindness!

How much does Dorothee Lepere make?

Dorothee Lepere has a lot of cash! She has a net worth of about 20 million USD.

That’s a great deal of cash! She had money because she worked hard and did well at her job. She still has a lot of money even though she isn’t married to Francois-Henri Pinault anymore.

She can do good things with her money and help other people. It’s nice to have a lot of money, but you need to use it for good!

Interests of Dorothee Lepere

For fun, she likes to do these things:

Theodore loves to see and learn about new places and countries. There are many places she has been in the world.

Photography is another thing that Dorothee likes to do. She likes taking shots of people, places, and things.

When Dorothee has free time, she likes to read. She likes reading stories, biographies, and books about the past.

Since Dorothee has worked in fashion for a long time, it’s not a surprise that she likes clothes. She likes going to fashion shows and knowing what’s new in fashion.

Dorothee likes art too. She likes different kinds of art and going to museums and galleries.

Things that Dorothee Lepere liked best

Even though Dorothee Lepere is very busy, she still finds time to do the things she loves.

These are some of her favourites:

Even though Dorothee Lepere is very busy, she still finds time to do the things she loves.

Harper Lee’s “To Kill a Mockingbird” is Dorothee’s favourite book. It’s a story about becoming an adult and getting along with others.

A lot of people like Dorothee’s French food. For breakfast, she loves croissants, and for dinner, she loves a beautiful cheese plate.

When she’s not working, Dorothee likes to go for long walks in the park. It calms her down and makes her feel better.

Dorothee really enjoys watching “The Godfather.” This book is very important to her, and she loves the story of the Corleone family.

The place Dorothee loves to visit the most is Paris. The history, art, and beauty of the city make her happy.

These are some of Dorothee’s favourite things.

What do you like best?

Ex-boyfriend, Family, and Bio


In what way does Dorothee Lepere come from?

More information about Dorothee Lepere’s past needs to be made public. It is known, though, that she lives in Paris and works for herself.

For how long did Dorothee Lepere and Francois-Henri Pinault get married?

She was married to Francois-Henri Pinault for eight years, from 1996 to 2004. They have two kids together.

What kind of relationship does Dorothee Lepere have right now?

It needs to be made clear what Dorothee Lepere’s relationship situation is right now. Few details about her personal life have been made public since she split up with Francois-Henri Pinault.


A woman named Dorothee Lepee lives in Paris, France.

She’s famous because she was married to Francois-Henri Pinault, a very important businessman. She has a job, but we don’t know much about it.

We need to know how tall she is and a lot about her family as well. No matter what, we hope you learned something today about her!

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